Members of Joy Lutheran serve in a variety of ways in the local community. They serve as Christians — carrying Jesus in all aspects of life — witnessing to His love, care and concern for all people.
Below you will find several ways that our members are involved in serving our community. Feel free to contact the church office if you want to get involved!
Shalom Shop
Shalom Shop is a ministry of local Churches to help people in need. Used clothing and household goods are donated to the Shalom Shop in Cambridge where they are sorted, cleaned, mended and repaired to be sold in the store. Joy Lutheran Church operates the store every Tuesday afternoon and the 4th Saturday of each month. Part of the proceeds from the store are returned to the congregations of the community that provide volunteers at the store. The proceeds are then used by the local congregation to help individuals who need assistance. The rest of the proceeds are used by Shalom in carrying out Mission opportunities to people in need in the community
Path 2 Home
Community Churches provide a place for displaced families in the community. Homeless families are housed in temporary settings and volunteers from local churches assist in providing meals and manning the facility when families return from schools, jobs or looking for jobs.
Home Delivered Meals
Joy Lutheran Church serves by providing volunteers who deliver meals to homes on two routes in the community every five weeks.
Around the World
Joy Lutheran Church seeks out ways of reaching the Lost with the saving message of Jesus Christ. Financially, we support several missionaries in various parts of the world and we contribute the Mission and Work of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod. We continue to look for opportunities to be involved in hands on world Mission ministries.